On my Birthday Eve…
The years are like shadows
like gifts
from the sun
time falls across
you casting shadows
at your feet
like the present
you can’t return
once the shadow is cast
there it is
once the year has past
there it is
the only thing to change
is your perspective
facing the future
the shadows fall behind you
and you cannot see how they stretch
to your last known horizon
facing what has past
the shadows darken the path
and you cannot clearly see
the safest place
to take that step
but no
we dare not tread
within those shadows
of our past
they are dark and meant only
to show us where we have been
they are a mark
of those lessons we have already
turn again to the future
and your shadow turns with you
it is a strange reflection of your every
and like a sundial you cast your shadow
around the circumference of your every day
and in each moment
adjust your perspective
so you will step into the light
and not into your
now go into this coming year
open wide your heart
your mind
let the future cast it’s light
on all the new places and people and
your shadow has yet to embrace
and Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday
dear friend